Endowment Fund
Our Endowment Fund will ensure that Zoos Victoria continues to be at the forefront of wildlife protection and conservation for many years to come.
The Zoos Victoria Endowment is an investment fund that has been established under the sound governance of the Zoological Parks and Gardens Board.
The fund will grow over time through intelligent investments and additional contributions, donations and bequests.
As the Endowment’s capital base grows, so too will the income stream available each year, so that your support will make an indelible mark now and in the future. Together, we’ll build the foundations today for an even greater zoo tomorrow.
A fund for the future

Fighting extinction
Growing our capacity to fight extinction through investment in research and in-field activities.
Allowing us to take considered risks and push the envelope with pioneering solutions to conservation problems.

Nurturing animals
Maintaining our position as a global leader in critical thinking on applied animal welfare and recognition of the value of animal life.
Continuing to exceed ethical standards for happiness and well-being of the animals in our care.

Connecting the Community with Nature
Educating and inspiring our future global custodians.
Improving access to our zoos to ensure innovative wildlife-based recreation and learning experiences.
Inspiring zoo visitors, members and the community to take conservation actions that make measurable and positive differences for wildlife.

Investing in our intelligence
Ensuring we continue to employ passionate world-leading thinkers, researchers and keeper staff.
Developing our team’s skills so they are at the forefront of conservation and the have the capacity to lead Zoos Victoria well into the future.

Gifts in Wills
A planned gift through a bequest will provide for our wonderful wildlife for many years to come.

Keep our future wild
Join us as a contributor to the Zoos Victoria Endowment Fund and start to see the real returns on your investment through our work today.
Angie Retallack
General Manager Philanthropy
Phone: 03 9340 2720
Email: aretallack@zoo.org.au

Establishing the endowment
Generous gifts from the Bowness Family and the Merrin Foundations have laid a solid foundation to help us build the Endowment Fund over time and benefit the people and wildlife of Victoria well into the future.
The Bowness Family Foundation
The Bowness Family Foundation pledged a $1,000,000 Leadership Gift toward the establishment of the Zoo Endowment.
""The strength of a public institution is always dependent on its financial sustainability. Our hope is that this gift encourages others to provide much needed support for one of Victoria’s most valued and visited public icons." — Natasha Bowness, Bowness Family Foundation.
The Merrin Foundation
The Merrin Foundation committed $300,000 to further grow the fund.
Estate of Myra Coate
Myra’s lifelong love for animals and the prospect of continuing to care for wildlife into the future motivated her to leave the Zoos Victoria Endowment fund as the major beneficiary of her Will in 2019.